Thursday, January 6, 2011

Packing Commences

I started packing....annnnnd it's taking a while. And my room looks like a bomb went through it. I really wish I could learn how to pack light for once....


  1. I'm bringing my pillow pet as well! I love that thing!

  2. Thursday night before you it all going to fit in those two bags? Are you going to remember everything? Things to tell you, things to take, plans to make? Have fun be safe, I LOVE you Kait!
    Love, Mom

  3. Well learning to pack light as you leave for 14 weeks may not be the best time to learn! We'll work on it...I love you!

  4. Bon Voyage, as they say!! I'm soooo excited for you and all that comes w/this great experience.

  5. Ahoy there! Sounds like a good start to me and hoping there will be some pics posted, as I have a hard time visualizing this whole ship thing! Looking at nothing but H2O sounds daunting, but beautiful too :).Take it all in! FYI, Bonine doesn't make you sleepy like Dramamine does--maybe someone on board has some to share?? Love you, Kaitlyn!

  6. Classes start, meeting folks(from New England too!)and seeing land-all good stuff! Stay on top of that homework :)! GAD

  7. Loved the pics of the ship! Way bigger than I imagined!How many students are on board?Dominica looked interesting and glad you got a tour! Smooth sailing. Love, GAD
