Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Waiting for the ship to come in...

17 days.

1. Semester at Sea
Is this real life? Did I really sign up for a trip around the ENTIRE WORLD?! I can hardly believe it. Chris and I leave for Nassau in exactly 17 days. To Chris, it's just a little 5 day trip to Nassau...but I'm packing for four months and I can't exactly stop at the nearest Wal-Mart.

2. Santa
It feels SO nice to be home from school! It was really weird to say goodbye to everyone after I realized I probably won't see them until August 2011. There are so many pro's and con's to studying abroad in the Spring. I get to miss the really boring, yucky, cold winter months of January and February, don't miss any really big holidays, and I have the whole summer to look forward to as well! The only bad thing I can think of is, while everyone packed up for three weeks of winter break, I had to pack up my ENTIRE room and move it all home in 6 inches of snow. YAY. (And then once the car was packed, the car battery was dead. But that's another story....)

I was so excited and surprised to see Chris walk through the door the night I moved back home. We got to have a little Christmas together after all and I couldn't ask for anything better! What an awesome 12 hours!! He's the greatest!
I feel like I can't even think about packing for SAS until Christmas is over, especially since I believe lots of Christmas is going to revolve around the many random things I need for SAS. Christmas is almost here, the best time of year by far! The days until Jan 8th are ticking away but I'm trying to enjoy as much family and relaxation time as possible....I must say, so far it's been wonderful.

3. Summer
Spring is the time of year to look for internships in the advertising industry for the summer months. Except that's a problem. Because I'll be in the middle of the ocean. But of course Chris came to the rescue once again and contacted a mutual friend who offered me an internship for the summer at Clutch Studios in Chicago. I am SO excited to be in Chi-town for the summer. The best part about it is I wont be wondering where I'll be interning in the summer. Knowing before I leave is such a nice feeling! Now I just have to wonder where I'll be living....Maybe Oprah will offer me a little closet in her condo?


  1. I am so happy to hear you are enjoying the time at home! You deserve the did amazing this semester and I can't wait for the experiences you will have aboard the ship. You got the job with Mark...all I did was get his'll do amazing there as well! I just hope you don't forget about me when you've got all this cultural experience and your big city job! I'll be around...just flying somewhere over your head!

    You're amazing and I hope you have a very VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  2. OMG, it is getting so close to your departure! This is the first I've heard about your summer internship; wonderful and nice that it is a done deal prior to heading out to sea! Have an awesome adventure and know we will be "watching" you! Love GAD
